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Estee Alias

Supporting Local Business

I know we all love online shopping, with a click of a button your purchase will be at your doorstep within a few days via free shipping. But before I blog about fashion and include links to purchase these items, consumers need to be mindful about shopping online. This message is especially but not limited to high-end merchandise.

In my opinion before you purchase a hand-bag, shoe or piece of jewelry online please take a few moments and call your local department store for a sales associate to place the order instead. There's no difference between ordering it from the website or calling a store. When you purchase an expensive item online, most of the profit goes directly to the business and this is the reason that malls are closing (Forbes) and department stores are declining each year. Yes, the online business is thriving but retail industry is taking a hit. Before you purchase anything online (even flowers) ask yourself if a store near you is able to order it for you. 

It's very mindful of others to have a sales associate place your order not only because their job is to service customers and they receive commission but also it helps the retail store as well. This is an extreme example but people do it all the time- how silly would it be to order a watch online instead of calling a local store and helping your neighbor? I'm not insisting on shopping at local retailers instead of online shopping, I'm insisting that an order is an order and it's better to place it through a local retailer. I hope we are mindful to local retailers including small businesses as well. If our community is thriving, we are thriving. Thank you.

Here are a few links if you want to learn more:

Health and Happiness,


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